European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
The editors have built Issues in Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Drug Research, and Drug Innovation: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Molecular Pharmacology in this book to be ...
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
Issues in Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Drug Research, and Drug Innovation: 2012 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Molecular Pharmacology.
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
Today we witness an eventful time in which the powerful new forces of genomics, information technology and economics are rapidly changing the science and art of medicine. This will require more specialization than ever before.
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
This second edition of the gold standard for industrial research is thoroughly revised in line with current trends in the field, with all contributions extensively updated or rewritten.
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
A comprehensive overview of the current research on inflammation and immunopharmacology, with particular attention to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, this book discusses future trends in this area of pharmacological research.
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
Provides current, detailed information on using drug therapies in all major domestic animal species Organized logically by drug class and treatment indication, with exhaustive information on the rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine ...
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
The ESC Handbook on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, based on the most recent guidelines in cardiovascular pharmacology, and containing a comprehensive A-Z formulary of common and less commonly used cardiac drugs and drug groups, provides ...
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
This book introduces “network pharmacology” as an emerging frontier subject of systematic drug research in the era of artificial intelligence and big data.
European journal of pharmacology from books.google.com
Pharmacological Mechanisms and the Modulation of Pain, the newest volume in the Advances in Pharmacology series, presents the pharmacological mechanisms and the modulation of pain.