Tokyo University of Agriculture[Okhotsk]


西澤一俊, 千原光雄編. -- 共立出版, 1979. <BB00016371>
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No. Volumes Holding Library Holdings Location Material ID Call No In-Lib Only Status Due Date RSVN Num
0001 Okhotsk 2F一般 0053096 474||So59 帯出可 整理済 0items
No. 0001
Holding Library Okhotsk
Holdings Location 2F一般
Material ID 0053096
Call No 474||So59
In-Lib Only 帯出可
Status 整理済
Due Date
RSVN Num 0items

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 藻類研究法 / 西澤一俊, 千原光雄編
ソウルイ ケンキュウホウ
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 共立出版 , 1979.12
physical description area 754p ; 22cm
Volume Information
international standard book number 4320052080
variant titles 奥付タイトル:Methods in phycological studies
note 執筆: 有賀祐勝ほか
note 各章末: 文献
note 藻類の分類表: p[713]-722
note 藻類の種の同定の参考書: p[723]-728
note 索引: p[729]-754
NCID BN0069292X
text language code Japanese
author link 千原, 光雄(1927-)||チハラ, ミツオ <AU00012655>
author link 西沢, 一俊(1912-)||ニシザワ, カズトシ <AU00010115>
classification NDC6:474
classification Algae and fungi NDC8:474
classification Science and technology NDLC:RA321
subject headings 藻類||ソウルイ