Tokyo University of Agriculture[Okhotsk]

Readings about the social animal

edited by Elliot Aronson ; hard, pbk. -- 5th ed. -- W.H. Freeman, 1988. -- (A series of books in psychology). <BB10006237>
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Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area Readings about the social animal / edited by Elliot Aronson
edition area 5th ed
publication,distribution,etc.,area New York : W.H. Freeman , c1988
physical description area xx, 476 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Volume Information
volumes hard
international standard book number 0716719355
Volume Information
volumes pbk
international standard book number 0716719363
parent bibliography link A series of books in psychology <BB10006180>//a
variant titles 異なりアクセスタイトル:Social animal
note Includes bibliographies and indexes
NCID BA05091958
text language code English
author link Aronson, Elliot, 1932- <AU10005047>
classification LCC:HM251
classification DC19:302
subject headings Social psychology -- Addresses, essays, lectures