Tokyo University of Agriculture[Okhotsk]

畜産の研究 = Animal-husbandry

1卷1號 (Jan. 1947)-75巻12号 (2021.12). -- 養賢堂, 1947. <SB00052580>
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Collective HoldingsListing 1-3 of about 3

No. Holding Library Holdings Location Holdings Location2 Call No Volume Available Years/Months Accession Status Alert
0001 Okhotsk 集密和雑誌 集密和雑誌 1-2, 3(1-4, 6-12), 4(1-11), 5(6-12), 6, 7(2-12), 8-38, 40-69// 1947-2015
0002 Setagaya 世)農大図 640||C44 1-31, 32(1-3, 5-9, 11-12), 33-69, 70(1-3) 1947-2016
0003 Atsugi 厚)農学図 16(5-12), 17-48, 49(1-6, 8-12), 53-69, 70(1-3) 1962-2016
No. 0001
Holding Library Okhotsk
Holdings Location 集密和雑誌
Holdings Location2 集密和雑誌
Call No
Volume 1-2, 3(1-4, 6-12), 4(1-11), 5(6-12), 6, 7(2-12), 8-38, 40-69//
Available Years/Months 1947-2015
Accession Status
No. 0002
Holding Library Setagaya
Holdings Location 世)農大図
Holdings Location2
Call No 640||C44
Volume 1-31, 32(1-3, 5-9, 11-12), 33-69, 70(1-3)
Available Years/Months 1947-2016
Accession Status
No. 0003
Holding Library Atsugi
Holdings Location 厚)農学図
Holdings Location2
Call No
Volume 16(5-12), 17-48, 49(1-6, 8-12), 53-69, 70(1-3)
Available Years/Months 1962-2016
Accession Status

Bibliography Details

title and statement of responsibility area 畜産の研究 = Animal-husbandry
チクサン ノ ケンキュウ = Animal-husbandry
Volumes and Years of Serial 1卷1號 (Jan. 1947)-75巻12号 (2021.12)
publication,distribution,etc.,area 東京 : 養賢堂 , 1947.1-2021.12
physical description area 冊 ; 26cm
variant titles その他のタイトル:Animalhusbandry
variant titles その他のタイトル:Animal husbandry
variant titles その他のタイトル:Sustainable livestock production and human welfare
note 並列タイトル変更: Animal-husbandry (1巻1號 (Jan. 1947))→Animalhusbandry (1巻2號 (Feb. 1947))→Animal husbandry (1巻3號 (Mar. 1947)-53巻12号 (1999.12))→Sustainable livestock production and human welfare (54巻1号 (2000.1)-75巻12号 (2021.12))
note 70巻1号 (2016.1)より電子版に移行, 電子版購読者に限りオンデマンド印刷による冊子体を刊行
NCID AN0014151X
text language code Japanese
frequency of publication code Monthly
ISSN 00093874
relation bibliography link ER:畜産の研究 <SJ20217719>
author link 養賢堂||ヨウケンドウ <AU00011541>